Happy National “Make A Dogs Day”

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National Make a Dogs Day is celebrated today, Oct.22nd  to encourage people to visit a shelter. You can take a toy and play with a homeless pet, bring pet food, blankets, bedding  or  other supplies to assist with the upkeep or just visit and say hello to all of the fur babies that are currently living there. Of course if you happen to fall in love with one in the process, you are more than welcome to adopt any of the occupants as well. That would absolutely make a dogs day.

Not only is today a day to encourage you to visit a shelter but also to remind people to adopt out of shelters instead of shopping puppy farms and pet shops. Keep in mind that every one of these dogs were mans best friend at some point in the past. Even if you can’t adopt right now maybe you can volunteer to help a few days a month.

About 3.3 million dogs enter shelters every year in America. While many were simply excess as puppies, many more are given up by their owners for various reasons. Whether there was a new baby in the house, too many pets, financial hardships or owners death, the dogs are simply victims of circumstances and nothing more. The worst part of their situation is that the shelters can only care for so many pets and then the rest, about 35% annually have to be euthanized. This is the main reason for adopting from a shelter, to save a life. You will never be loved more than from a grateful pet whos life you saved by adopting them.  The need for adoption is overwhelming and many people forget to consider it. And once you do, whatever you do, make sure to spay or neuter your pet so the population doesn’t increase on your watch.

So what if you already have a canine companion in your home?  Don’t they already have everything they need?  Well, because they love you unconditionally, (and God knows sometimes we don’t deserve it) wouldn’t it be a nice gesture for you to show them your gratitude by making their day with something special? It could be as simple as an extra long walk, a new chew toy, soaking their rawhide in chicken broth or even just giving them a nice full body brushing to scratch their itch.

So go out and visit a shelter today. With COVID-19, there aren’t a lot of places you can get close to strangers. So mask up and go spend some time at a shelter making a dogs day. You will truly be glad you did.  And so will they.