Is Your Pet at Risk of Contacting The Covid-19 Virus?

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First of all you need to understand what exactly this virus is and what it is not. This is not simply the same coronavirus that causes the common cold in humans. Also, it isn’t the  same  as  the canine coronavirus (CCoV)  or the feline version (FCoV).

COVID-19 is a disease, caused by a new coronavirus that hasn’t been identified before and that has recently been named SARS-CoV-2.

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that are round shaped with spikes that look something similar to crowns covering their entire surface. Many in this group can cause various types of diseases in humans and animals, including but not limited to diarrhea and upper respiratory infections.

Although it is rare, people can infect their pets with the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans. But so far there hasn’t been any proof that pets are able to infect humans with this new coronavirus.  It doesn’t appear that dogs get sick when they contract the virus, however some felines might become ill with mild respiratory or gastrointestinal problems. This is meerly speculative since there are many illnesses that can cause your pet to exhibit the same symptoms. But whenever you have a concern with your pets health, you should consult with your veterinarian.

The virus that causes COVID-19 has been found in the feces of some patients diagnosed with COVID-19. However, it is unclear whether the virus found in feces may be capable of causing COVID-19. There has not been any confirmed report of the virus spreading from feces to a person.

If you happen to have anyone in your home that contracts Covid-19 and your pet displays symptoms that are like those of the infection, be sure and inform your veterinarian. A test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be required. Since this is the virus that causes COVID-19 in people, your vet will most likely need to work with the public health department in your state as to weather your pet needs testing or not. So far, it hasn’t been put into place for healthy pets or those that have no contact with any infected persons.

When further information is known about the risks and transmittal of this disease it will be shared. Until then, the best practices for humans is recommended for you and your furry friends well being.

  •  If your pet or any person in your home is infected keep your pet separated from others as much as possible.
  • Use safe distancing when out  for walks or in the dog park by using a shorter leashes.
  • Remember to clean pet toys and keep beds clean.
  • Clean and disinfect door knobs as well as other areas since “going outside” is common for your pet.
  • Clean up pets fecal matter and dispose of in properly in bags so as to protect other pets.
  • Contact your vet with any concerns about your pets possibility of exposure.

And Remember 

 We Are All In This Together