National #MakeADifferenceDay

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National Make A Difference Day gives everyone in the community a chance to bring their form of service to a whole new level each year. All sorts of Organizations join forces on the fourth Saturday in October to make a difference, in any way that they can.

Millions of people have united in the common mission to improve the lives of others.

The concept was formed when USA Weekend and Points of Light sponsored the first National Make a Difference Day more than 20 years ago. It was such a huge success that it became the largest national day of community service.  And even though  the two organizations no longer promote the community service weekend, the event continues annually, thanks to many like-minded individuals desiring to serve however possible in their communities.

All across the country, organizations and individuals alike utilize whatever skills required to help others during this weekend. Occasionally the weekend in October will change but for the most part it remains the same. But the difference made in the community is what truly matters. Through love and grit, the message is clear. Community outreach matters.

HOW TO OBSERVE #MakeADifferenceDay

Making a difference can come in many forms of service. Choose one that suits you.

  • Be a mentor. Help a youth or another professional to gain new skills.
  • Make a donation to a charity with meaning to you.
  • Volunteer in your community or for an organization.
  • Walk a pet for an elderly person or give their pet a bath.
  • Put your skills to work. Sometimes our hobbies can be useful to others.

Do what you can to make a difference and use #MakeADifferenceDay to post on social media.

MAKE A Difference Today!