The C Word: Cancer

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Perhaps you’ve heard already. But yesterday, Saturday May the 8th, former president Obamas’ family dog, Bo died of cancer.  Did you hear which kind of cancer he had? Well, we didn’t. And we have only recently started out so we didn’t follow him on Instagram or any other online sociamedia either in case it was posted there earlier.

Excuse us for being curious. Especially since we weren’t even aware of which types of cancers pets are at risk of contracting. So we decided to educate ourselves about cancers and the risk factors that go along with them.  And if you’re not aware of the them either, we’d be happy to share what we’ve learned with you.

First are the types: Many. Pets can develop many of the same cancers as humans do. Some of the most common among pets include the Urinary system, Skin, Liver & Spleen, Bone, Lymp system, Thyroid, Mammary (or Breast), Soft-tissue and Hemangiosarcoma  (or tumors).

Although cancer is the leading cause of death for dogs over 10 years old, half of it is treatable if detected early enough. But you need to be aware of the symptoms to do so. Some indicators to watch for are: *lumps or bumps under their skin, * abnormal odors from the mouth, ears or other body parts *abnormal discharge from the eyes, mouth, ears or rectum. *abdominal swelling *non-healing wounds or soars *sudden irreversible weight loss  *change in appetite *lethargy or depression * changes in bathroom habits * evidence of pain. Make a vet appointment asap when witnessing these symptoms.

Treatments: Cancer doctors,  called Veterinary Oncologists, will work with you and your vet to develope a specialized plan for your pet depending on the type of cancer that they have contracted. Many of the treatments for these cancers are the same as the ones used in humans for the same cancers and they have progressed drastically in recent years. You’ll be working together as a team with surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy or a combination designed specifically for your pet to improve quality of life while minimizing unpleasant side effects. Even if you believe that your pet may be too far gone, there may be herbal remedies that can help reduce the suffering until they must leave.